
Begleitung für Familien mit unheilbar und lebensverkürzend erkrankten Kindern

Children's hospice St. Nikolaus

Care for families with incurable and terminally ill children

The children's hospice St. Nikolaus accompanies families with incurable and terminally ill children. The staff cares for the children together with the parents and therapies, like physiotherapy or music therapy, are offered. 

Das Kinder-Hospiz Sternenbrücke begleitet Kinder in ihren letzten Stunden

Children's hospice Sternenbrücke

... a walk together

Since 2003, Sternenbrücke helps children, youths and since 2010 young adults up to the age of 27 having a short life expectancy to live a dignified life until their death.

Children's hospice Sterntaler e.V.

Children's hospice Sterntaler e.V.

Support for children with life limiting diseases and their parents

The children's hospice Sterntaler e. V. in Mannheim supports children suffering from life limiting diseases and their families and accompanies them on their difficult way.

Kinderpalliativzentrum Datteln -

Children's palliative care centre in Datteln

Reduce harm - form life!

The children's palliative care unit at the children's clinic in Datteln reduces harm of seriously ill children and youths and improves the life quality of the whole family.

Children's university clinic Leipzig - Best medical care for small patients

Children's university clinic Leipzig

Best medical care for small patients

The clinic and poly clinic for paediatrics form the children's centre of the university clinic in Leipzig with the clinic for paediatric surgery and the departments for paediatric radiology and paediatric anaesthesiology.

Children's Wishes campaign of the Deutsche Nierenstiftung - Fulfilment of the heartfelt wishes of children whose parents or brothers or sisters are suffering from a kidney complaint

Children's Wishes campaign of the Deutsche Nierenstiftung

Fulfilment of the heartfelt wishes of children whose parents, brothers or sisters are suffering from a kidney complaint

Every year, the Deutsche Nierenstiftung fulfils the heartfelt wishes of children and youths whose parents, brothers or sisters are suffering from a kidney complaint. With the "children's wishes" campaign, the Deutsche Nierenstiftung praises their courage and fulfils a heartfelt wish for each of the children.

Broad sports offer for children from socially deprived families

Clean Winners e.V.

Ein Sportangebot für sozial benachteiligte Kinder

Mit ihrem Sportangebot möchten die Clean Winners Kindern aus sozial benachteiligten oder gefährdeten Familien aus der Abseitsfalle helfen. Denn über den Sport können Kinder Gemeinschaft erleben und Werte wie Teamgeist, Toleranz, Fairness oder Leistungsbereitschaft erfahren.

ClearWater provides clear drinking water to native people


ClearWater has the aim to provide water to native people

ClearWater has the aim to provide water to more than 2,000 native people and farmers living in 20 small villages in a contaminated Amazon area in Ecuador. The lack of clear water does not only lead to health threats.

An aim of the Manuel Neuer Kids Foundation consists in boosting scholar projects

Comprehensive School Berger Feld

The first project of the Manuel Neuer Kids Foundation

Manuel Neuer's home town Gelsenkirchen occupies a top spot in an inglorious statistic: almost every fourth child suffers from poverty. "With my foundation, I want to fulfil social responsibility in my city". This is how the football star explains the foundation of his Manuel Neuer Kids Foundation.

 Containerprojekt für Frauen

Containerprojekt für Frauen

Caritas Hamburg setzt sich für obdachlose Frauen ein

Das Leben auf der Straße ist gerade für Frauen besonders schwierig. Der Caritasverband bietet daher ein spezielles Containerprojekt an, das Frauen in Hamburg Wohnraum sowie Beratung und Unterstützung ermöglicht.

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