
Children's hospice Bärenherz Leipzig

Children's hospice Bärenherz Leipzig

Help for parents with seriously ill children

At the children's hospice Bärenherz, seriously ill children get care until their death. Families get professional help and find time to get new power for their difficult daily life.

Children's hospice Bethel - protect life

Children's hospice Bethel

Protect life

The children's hospice Bethel is a place full of warmth and light where the responsive accompany children and youths with a short life-expectancy and their relatives on their difficult way. In an empathic environment, the children receive the power they need for that their last life period stays in the light.

Für unheilbar kranke Kinder und Jugendliche

Children's hospice Löwenherz

For terminally ill children and youths

In the children's hospice Löwenherz, terminally ill children and youths are welcome with there parents, brothers and sisters. A professional team provides care for the ill children and youths and parents can recover from their daily strain.

The children's hospice goes a difficult way with terminally ill children

Children's hospice Mitteldeutschland

A harbourage of life in a desperate situation

Why our child? Parents ask this question automatically when their child gets the diagnosis of an incurable, deadly disease. Families get affected by anger and grief. When there is no chance to cure, the desperate situation asks for a harbourage of life.

Children's Hospice Netz - Care for children, youths and young adults with life-shortening diseases

Children's Hospice Netz

Care for children, youths and young adults with a short life-expectancy

The children's hospice Netz in Austria cares for children, youths and young adults with a short life-expectancy, whether at home or at the day hospice for children.

Begleitung für Familien mit unheilbar und lebensverkürzend erkrankten Kindern

Children's hospice St. Nikolaus

Care for families with incurable and terminally ill children

The children's hospice St. Nikolaus accompanies families with incurable and terminally ill children. The staff cares for the children together with the parents and therapies, like physiotherapy or music therapy, are offered. 

Das Kinder-Hospiz Sternenbrücke begleitet Kinder in ihren letzten Stunden

Children's hospice Sternenbrücke

... a walk together

Since 2003, Sternenbrücke helps children, youths and since 2010 young adults up to the age of 27 having a short life expectancy to live a dignified life until their death.

Children's hospice Sterntaler e.V.

Children's hospice Sterntaler e.V.

Support for children with life limiting diseases and their parents

The children's hospice Sterntaler e. V. in Mannheim supports children suffering from life limiting diseases and their families and accompanies them on their difficult way.

Kinderpalliativzentrum Datteln -

Children's palliative care centre in Datteln

Reduce harm - form life!

The children's palliative care unit at the children's clinic in Datteln reduces harm of seriously ill children and youths and improves the life quality of the whole family.

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