
In the battle against AIDS, Bill Clinton tries to help with his Clinton HIV/Aids Initiative

CHAI: Clinton HIV/Aids Initiative

Bill Clinton plays a significant role in the battle against AIDS with his foundation

Worldwide, 33.4 million people live with HIV or AIDS. Every day, 7,400 people are newly infected with the HI virus. HIV/Aids is a worldwide pandemia and subverts social and economic aims in developing countries where more than 90 per cent of the population live with HIV or AIDS.

Champions for Charity

Champions for Charity

Gemeinsam für Kinder und Jugendliche

Champions for Charity is a project of the Dirk Nowitzki Foundation and the Keep Fighting Foundation of Michael Schumacher. Dirk Nowitzki and Mick Schumacher are collecting funds for children and youths together.

 Charity für Diakonie

Charity für Diakonie

Verband diakonischer Einrichtungen in Niedersachsen

Unter dem Label „Charity für Diakonie“ bündeln sich die diakonischen Einrichtungen und Projekte aus Niedersachsen, damit deren gemeinsames Ziel besser vermarktet werden kann. Unter diesem Dach werden ab sofort alle Versteigerungen bei United Charity geführt, die diakonischen Einrichtungen in Niedersachsen zugutekommen sollen. Die Erlöse werden vom Diakonischen Werk Bremervörde an die entsprechenden Projekte weitergeleitet.

Child protection with sports in Tanzania

Child protection with sports in Tanzania

Encourage children with sports

With this project, Plan International wants to encourage girls and boys with sporting projects in order to develop their skills equally. 

Childhood in war: the right of protection

Childhood in war: the right of protection

Childhood in war: the right of protection

With protection and play zones, the organisation creates a place of security for children in crisis situations. Playing is important in order to develop cognitive and social skills and in order to find tranquility in such wearing situations.

Childhood savers - Stop violence against children

Childhood savers

Stop violence against children

In many countries, children suffer from violence because of wars and catastrophes. World Vision helps children in various countries and helps where misery is the biggest. Currently, they help in South Sudan and the countries around Syria. Their aim is to save the childhood of those girls and boys and to make a future with safety and without fears possible.

Children for Tomorrow

Children for Tomorrow

Chances on a better future

The daily routine of many children is marked by violence, war, expulsion or loss. This causes big mental wounds that sometimes even result in high aggressiveness. Children for Tomorrow, the foundation of tennis star Stefanie Graf, thus boosts for the mental health of children.

Children's Cancer Rehab Clinic Tannheim - Rearrangement of two treatment rooms

Children's Cancer Rehab Clinic Tannheim

Rearrangement of two treatment rooms

The Kinderkrebs-Nachsorgeklinik Tannheim belongs to the VfBfairplay projects. With the proceeds of our auctions, two treatment rooms will be rearranged. 

Helping gives wings

Children's Guardian Angels with four paws

Helping gives wings

Since 2013, the children's guardian angels with four paws, Cujo, Merlin, Tiffany and Sheila are in action several times a week at the paediatrics of diverse hospitals in Berlin and Brandenburg. With this help, physical or mental deficits of children can be improved.

Via a mouse clic, Sandra can take part in her lessons while being at the hospital

Children's Guardian Angels: computers at the bedside

Via a mouse clic from the bedside into the classroom

Sandra always was thinner than the others, often paused when speaking and instead of playing in the schoolyard, she preferred reading at the library. She even had the permission to come late instead of hurrying up in the morning. Her sick heart affected her daily rhythm.