UNICEF emergency aid in the Sahel
A silent catastrophe: malnutrition in the Sahel
According to estimations, more than one million children in eight countries are threatened by severe malnutrition in the next months. Because of droughts, poor harvests, high food costs and extreme poverty, many families cannot feed themselves with enough food.
UNICEF emergency responseaid for children in Ukraine and neighbouring countries
The situation in Ukraine and the region continues to be devastating and the on-going violence has created a child rights crisis. Children are in urgent need of support. UNICEF is working in Ukraine and many neighbouring countries to provide families - who have fled the war - with medical care, psychosocial and educational support, and urgently needed relief supplies. UNICEF and its partners have set up contact points for families. In refugee-hosting countries, UNICEF is supporting governments to ensure access to services, protection and social assistance for Ukrainian children, their families and host communities.
UNICEF help for Syrian Refugees
Help for refugee children in Syria
More than a million children are fleeing the gun fire and millions more are caught in Syria in the midst of the battle. These children desperately need help. They are missing the necessities. UNICEF provides them with drinking water, medications and other items essential for survival.
UNICEF hilft Flüchtlingen in Griechenland
UNICEF hat in den vergangenen Jahren in Griechenland tausende geflüchtete und migrierte Kinder und ihre Familien unterstützt. Dazu gehört es, sicherzustellen, dass diese Mädchen und Jungen Zugang zu Kinderschutzmaßnahmen, psychosozialer Unterstützung, Gesundheitsversorgung und Bildung erhalten.
UNICEF – Schools for Africa
A place in the classroom for every child
Every child has a right on education. Though, in African countries south of the Sahara, every third child does not attend school. Many families are too poor to pay the school material for their children. Qualified teachers are missing and the AIDS epidemic tightens the situation-
UNICEF “Let Us Learn” Initiative
Education gives girls and boys around the world hope for a better life. But many children never get the chance to go to school. Many live in poverty and in remote regions where access to an education is difficult. Conflict and discrimination are also factors that inhibit education. Girls are particularly affected by these challenges. With the international education initiative, "Let Us Learn", UNICEF helps disadvantaged children in five countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Liberia, Madagascar and Nepal. The goal is to give the most marginalized girls and boys access to quality education.
UNICEF-Hilfe für Jemen
UNICEF hilft in der derzeit größten humanitären Krise der Welt
Im Jemen herrscht die derzeit größte humanitäre Krise der Welt. Nach sechs Jahren Bürgerkrieg sind dort schätzungsweise 2,3 Millionen Kinder unter fünf Jahren von akuter Mangelernährung bedroht. Die Corona-Pandemie verschärft die Situation zusätzlich. Die UNICEF-Nothilfe im Jemen versorgt Kinder mit therapeutischer Spezialnahrung und stellt überlebenswichtige Covid-19-Impfdosen zur Verfügung.
United Charity gemeinnützige Stiftungs GmbH
With the auction proceeds raised on www.unitedcharity.de, United Charity supports numerous children's aid projects in Germany and worldwide. 100% of the proceeds are forwarded to those projects.