


Kindern helfen, ihre Träume zu verwirklichen

Die von Robin Gosens gegründete träumenlohntsich-Stiftung setzt sich für Integration, Chancengleichheit und Barrierefreiheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit einer Vergangenheit der Flucht, aus sozial schwachen Familien, oder mit jeglicher anderen Beeinträchtigung ein – denn jedes Kind hat das gleiche Recht auf die Verwirklichung seiner Träume.

The foundation wants to support children and youths in need in Germany

TRIBUTE TO BAMBI Foundation: Help for children in need

An initiative of Hubert Burda Media

Material poverty often goes along with emotional poverty. But even in well-to-do conditions, children and youths are often left on their own devices. In the worst case, they get victims of phyical violence or sexual abuse. The TRIBUTE TO BAMBI Foundation wants to help here.

Typecast for Kerim

Typecast for Kerim

Looking for a potential stem cell donor for Kerim

A bone marrow donor is urgently searched for 1-year-old Kerim. The Stiftung Aktion Knochenmarkspende Bayern (AKB) organises a typecast campaign for him and many other patients.

The foundation supports national and international activities and stands by the weaker people

Udo Lindenberg Foundation

The Udo Lindenberg Foundation supports young musicians and songwriters

The Udo Lindenberg Foundation supports young songwriters and musicians with competitions in order to discover new ways against mainstream, write provoking texts and not to adapt to superstar dross.

 UNICEF Earthquake Aid in Syria and Turkey

UNICEF Earthquake Aid in Syria and Turkey

Emergency aid for children and families

Thousands of children and their families are affected by the earthquake in the Turkish-Syrian border area and need urgent help - UNICEF is on site to ensure medical care, drinking water supply and child protection.

UNICEF helps people with additional nutrition, drugs and water

UNICEF emergency aid in the Sahel

A silent catastrophe: malnutrition in the Sahel

According to estimations, more than one million children in eight countries are threatened by severe malnutrition in the next months. Because of droughts, poor harvests, high food costs and extreme poverty, many families cannot feed themselves with enough food.

 UNICEF emergency responseaid for children in Ukraine and neighbouring countries

UNICEF emergency responseaid for children in Ukraine and neighbouring countries

The situation in Ukraine and the region continues to be devastating and the on-going violence has created a child rights crisis.  Children  are in urgent need of support. UNICEF is working in Ukraine and many neighbouring countries to provide families - who have fled the war - with medical care, psychosocial and educational support, and urgently needed relief supplies. UNICEF and its partners have set up contact points for families. In refugee-hosting countries, UNICEF is supporting governments to ensure access to services, protection and social assistance for Ukrainian children, their families and host communities.

UNICEF-Hilfe für Flüchtlingskinder in Syrien

UNICEF help for Syrian Refugees

Help for refugee children in Syria

More than a million children are fleeing the gun fire and millions more are caught in Syria in the midst of the battle. These children desperately need help. They are missing the necessities. UNICEF provides them with drinking water, medications and other items essential for survival.

 UNICEF hilft Flüchtlingen in Griechenland

UNICEF hilft Flüchtlingen in Griechenland

UNICEF hat in den vergangenen Jahren in Griechenland tausende geflüchtete und migrierte Kinder und ihre Familien unterstützt. Dazu gehört es, sicherzustellen, dass diese Mädchen und Jungen Zugang zu Kinderschutzmaßnahmen, psychosozialer Unterstützung, Gesundheitsversorgung und Bildung erhalten.

Providing a good basic education for children in eleven African countries

UNICEF – Schools for Africa

A place in the classroom for every child

Every child has a right on education. Though, in African countries south of the Sahara, every third child does not attend school. Many families are too poor to pay the school material for their children. Qualified teachers are missing and the AIDS epidemic tightens the situation-