University Clinic Tübingen

15 years old Milena attending the Goethe school in Duisburg is suffering from a serious brain tumour and urgently needs another surgery. As her single mum suffers from breast cancer and cannot afford the costs for a therapy at the university clinic Tübingen, the class M8b of the Goethe school has organised a flea market to support the family financially with the proceeds.
The university clinic has ten tumour specific centres where the cancer specialists of Tübingen are working closely together under the roof of the tumour centre CCC. Experienced diagnosticians, surgeons, internists and radiotherapists decide together in weekly tumour conferences, which therapy is the best for a patient. Furthermore, they discuss the question if a participation in a clinic study at the CCC can be offered. Besides all standard therapies, the clinic additionally offers special therapy methods available at only few centres in Germany to oncological patients.