
 Heidi Goats India

Heidi Goats India

1.000 Ziegen für arme Familien in Indien

Die IndienHilfe Deutschland e.V. spendet Ziegen an arme Familien in Indien, um deren Ernährungs- und Einkommenssituation langfristig zu verbessern. Viele Eltern haben so erstmalig die Chance, ihre Kinder zur Schule zu schicken und so den Teufelskreis aus Armut und Ausbeutung für immer zu durchbrechen.

 Help for Children in the Philippines

Help for Children in the Philippines

Peace work through education and conservation

With local partner organisations, terre des hommes boosts scholar education and further professional training for youths in the Philippines, especially on the island of Mindanao. Furthermore, the abolition of violence in education plays an important role.

Hilfe für Straßenkinder und deren Familien in Kabul -

Help for street children and their families in Kabul

Comittee for the support of refugees in Afghanistan and for the reconstruction of the devastated country

A focus of the work of Kufa e.V. is on the offer of education possibilities for young people in Kabul and the financial support of their families.

Help for the soul: protection and play areas in refugee camps

Help for the soul: protection and play areas in refugee camps

Construction of play and football grounds in refugee camps

In the protection and play areas, traumatized girls and boys get the possibility to play and to learn and if they need, they get psychological assistance. Football contributes to trauma coping and boosts the solidarity.

 HELP Jamaica e.V.

HELP Jamaica e.V.

Education For A Change!

Der 2008 in Berlin gegründete und gemeinnützige Verein HELP Jamaica! e.V. unterstützt Bildungsprojekte in Jamaika und arbeitet getreu dem Motto: Education For A Change! So wird gemeinsam mit verschiedenen Initiativen vor Ort, vor allem Kindern und Jugendlichen aus wirtschaftlich und sozial benachteiligten Gegenden die Möglichkeit gegeben, zu lernen, sich weiterzubilden, neue Fertigkeiten zu entwickeln und Ihre Persönlichkeit zu entfalten.

Helpline donum vitae Minden - Good start into life

Helpline donum vitae Minden

Good start into life

The helpline donum vitae Minden supports women and families in difficult life situations during and after giving birth. With their programme "Good start into life", they help especially socially deprived families.

Support for children and youths with physical, mental or social disabilities

Herman van Veen Foundation

Support for children and youths with physical, mental or social disabilities

The Herman van Veen Foundation Germany is a foundation with the aim to boost projects in the area education. The foundation would like to accompany children and youths in the whole world in their development, so that they can develop their talents in each possible way. 

HEROES boosts for children affected by abuse and violence


Against violence and suppression in the name of honour

In 2007, the project HEROES started. Its aim was and is to work with young men (17 to 23) with a migration backgroud and with the will to take responsibility against physical and mental violence and the will to campaign for equality of men and women.

Herzenssache helps children

Herzenssache e.V.

Herzenssache helps children

Herzenssache e.V. is the children's aid action of the SWR, SR and Sparda-Bank. It campaigns for children and youths in Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland. Protect, support and empower - these are the tasks of the non profit association.



The Herzenswunsch-Hospizmobil wants to fulfill people's last wishes. Usually, people can not fulfill these things on their own, as concerned people suffer from limited mobility or financial possibilities.