
Solheim Cup Charity - Telethon in the context of the Solheim Cup 2015

Solheim Cup Charity

Telethon in the context of the Solheim Cup 2015

By auctioning exclusive experiences and items, the Solheim Cup Charity supports Children for Tomorrow, Saving an Angel, the Deutsche Schulsportstiftung and the Franz Beckenbauer Foundation.

Solidarfonds Foundation NRW - Help for children and youths from financially weak families

Solidarfonds Foundation NRW

Help for children and youths from deprived families

The Solidarfonds-Stiftung NRW fills the gaps left by our social system. Several thousands of pupils, especially from deprived families, benefit from the foundation's support.

 Solidarfonds-Schulpreis NRW

Solidarfonds-Schulpreis NRW

Schulpreis für soziales Engagement

Der zum dritten Mal verliehene " Solidarfonds-Schulpreis NRW für soziales Engagement " ist mit 35.000 Euro dotiert. Der Stiftungspreis zeichnet wichtiges und vorbildliches soziales Engagement von Schulen in NRW aus und verschafft den preisgekrönten Schulen zugleich die Möglichkeit, das Preisgeld in ihren Schulen in wichtige schulische Anschaffungen zu investieren.

Sophia Kallinowsky Stiftung - Hilfe für Kinder mit der Diagnose Krebs

Sophia Kallinowsky Foundation

Help for children suffering from cancer

Ten months after the death of Sophia Kallinowsky, the parents of the little girl founded the Sophia Kallinowsky Foundation in order to contribute to an improvement for children with the diagnosis cancer.

A piece of unburdened childhood

SOS Children's Village Caldonazzo

A piece of unburdened childhood

The SOS Children's Village Caldonazzo stands for a piece of unburdened childhood. In Caldonazzo, the children coming from SOS Children's Villages all over Europe, are staying for three or four weeks in simple tents and bungalows. While the SOS Children's Villages mothers enjoy their well-deserved holidays, the indefatigable Caldo team cares for the lively guests.

SOS Children's Village Nepal - Emergency help for the victims of the earthquake

SOS Children's Village Nepal

Emergency aid for the victims of the earthquake

Ruins, dead and hurt people and desperate survivors everywhere: a devastating earthquake brought death and damage to the people in the Himalayas. The SOS Children's Villages offer emergency aid in order to stand by children and families.

A home for lost children - SOS Children's Village Recife

SOS Children's Village Recife

A home for lost children

Children who cannot live with they parents any more get a new family, care and a good education at the Children's Village Recife. The SOS Family Help supports extremely poor families at the favelas. The Children's Village was built in 2006 with the funds from the World Cup campaign "6 Villages for 2006".

The SOS Children's Villages Niger battle against famine

SOS Children's Villages Niger

A better future for children in Niger

Niger belongs to the five poorest countries in the world. Since 1991, the SOS Children's Villages are working in Niger, afther the ministry of social affairs provided a property on the brink of the capital city, Niamey, in 1990. In total, SOS in Niger supports more than 10,000 children and their relatives.

 SOS-Kinderdorf Essen

SOS-Kinderdorf Essen

Mittagstisch für sozial benachteiligte Kinder

Viele Kinder aus sozial benachteiligten Familien sind nach der Schule völlig auf sich allein gestellt. Es gibt keine warme, gesunde Mahlzeit und es mangelt häufig auch an Unterstützung in schulischen Belangen. Im SOS-Kinderdorf Essen haben Kinder die Möglichkeit, nach Schulschluss ein gesundes Mittagessen einzunehmen und erhalten dort auch pädagogische Unterstützung.

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