
 Ralf Rangnick Stiftung

Ralf Rangnick Stiftung

Bessere Bildungsmöglichkeiten für Kinder

Die Ralf Rangnick Stiftung engagiert sich mit verschiedenen Projekten in den Bereichen Bewegung, Ernährung, MINT und Musik & Kreativ für eine verbesserte Bildungssituation von Kindern.



RB Leipzig unterstützt Leipziger Institutionen

Gemeinsam helfen! Im Rahmen der Kampagne #WirAlle startet RB Leipzig eine mehrwöchige Spendeninitiative, um Institutionen der Stadt zu unterstützen.

Red Nose Day


The Fundraising Campaign of ProSieben for the Support of Charities

This year, the RED NOSE DAY supports two projects, the Lukas Podolski Foundation and UNICEF: 

Together with the Lukas Podolski Foundation, the RED NOSE DAY wants to build a football ground in a inner city of Cologne.

Furthermore, the RED NOSE DAY supports the UNICEF campaign #STOP10SECONDS which is campaigning for children in South Sudan.

Refugee children in need - aid projects of SOS Children's Villages

Refugee children in need - aid projects of SOS Children's Villages

International Engagement for unaccompanied minors

The emergency relief of the SOS Children's Villages specifically addresses mothers and their children, pregnant women and unaccompanied minors. For this group, escape is much longer, more difficult and more dangerous. Many children suffer from fever, severe colds or diarrhoe.

Refugees' aid of the Caritas Osnabrück - Leisure activities for refugee children

Refugees' aid of the Caritas Osnabrück

Leisure activities for refugee children

Caritas Osnabrück speaks up for refugees and especially cares about traumatized children and youths. Meaningful recreational activities are an important factor in their often sad daily routine abroad.

Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Foundation - Drying tears worldwide

Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Foundation

Drying tears worldwide

The Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Stiftung speaks up for children with numerous projects in the whole world. The foundation's help is geared to the UN Convention on Human Rights in the areas of care, education, health and emergency relief.

 Rehahund e.V.

Rehahund e.V.

Specifically trained dogs for ill children

The association Rehahund e.V. (Rehab Dogs) was founded in 2006. Rehab dogs for children play a special role, as the well-being of children with disabilities is especially close to the association's responsibles hearts. Children can not only realise their lives in a more independent and self-confident way thanks to the dogs, but the dogs also support their special disease patterns.

Restoration of a school in Kathmandu

Restoration of a school in Kathmandu

Restoration of a school in Kathmandu

The buildings in the region around Kathmandu have been strongly devastated and school buildings are affected as well - they are now in dangerous structure. The Srongsten Bhirkuiti High School is one of them. In order that the school life can start again as soon as possible, acting is urgently needed.

 RheumaKinder e.V.

RheumaKinder e.V.

Hilfe für Kinder, die an Rheuma erkrankt sind

RheumaKinder e.V. steht den Kindern und Familien bei der Bewältigung der Erkrankung im Alltag zur Seite. Vor allem die ganz individuelle Abstimmung und Hilfe steht dabei im Vordergrund, hierzu gehören Gespräche, Aufklärung, Begleitung, Finanzierung von benötigten Gegenständen und Hilfestellung in Kindergärten, Schulen sowie Ausbildungsbetrieben. 

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