Reiner Meutsch Foundation FLY & HELP

His job and his passion for flying made Reiner Meutsch discover the whole world. By travelling, he got many insights into the lives of people in other countries. "Some encounters really touched me. In personal conversations, they told me how different their lives could have been if they had had an access to education. So, my wish to move and to change something was raised." Reiner Meutsch explains the foundation of his foundation FLY & HELP. In 2010, he raised funds for his foundation with a charity flight. The social commitment was the first aim of this FLY & HELP world tour in a light aircraft. The first five projects on the trip only were the beginning of a long-term education campaign of the foundation. Until 2025, 100 projects around the globe shall be initiated, boosted and looked after with the help of the donations.
Die Projekte der Reiner Meutsch Foundation FLY & HELP

FLY & HELP: Thyolo
Construction of four classrooms at a primary school in the district of Thyolo
Millions of children, especially in rural districs, cannot attend school or have to cover a distance of 5 to 8 kilometres for going to school. In the district Thyolo, between Blantyre and Zomba in the south of Malawi, the construction of a school is necessary, and FLY & HELP wants to make this possible now.

Restoration of a school in Kathmandu
Restoration of a school in Kathmandu
The buildings in the region around Kathmandu have been strongly devastated and school buildings are affected as well - they are now in dangerous structure. The Srongsten Bhirkuiti High School is one of them. In order that the school life can start again as soon as possible, acting is urgently needed.

Bau einer Vorschule in Sri Lanka
Neue Klassenräume, Toiletten und ein Spielplatz
Fly & Help baut mit einer lokalen Partnerorganisation in der Region Siyambalanduwa in Sri Lanka eine integrative Vorschule mit zwei Klassenräumen, Spielplatz und Toiletten. Die Vorschule ist für Kinder im Alter von 3 bis 5 Jahren.

Bau einer Vorschule in Moneragala
Vorschule in Ambamalthalawa, nahe der Region Moneragala in Sri Lanka
Der Vorschulbau richtet sich an 40 bis 60 Kinder im Alter von 3 bis 5 Jahren. Sie wohnen in einem armen ländlichen Dorf, in dem es an Grundversorgungen wie Wasser und Elektrizität mangelt. Neben dem eigentlichen Gebäude mit zwei Klassenräumen werden zusätzlich ein Brunnen, ein Spielplatz und zwei Toiletten errichtet.