Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hilfe

The Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hilfe understands itself as a provider of solutions for the stroke management, campaigning for a quick, modern and effective care that centres humans. The needs of the affected people and their relatives are authoritive. Together with partners, the foundation takes responsibility to develop and to execute innovative, broad care concepts for the clinical picture of strokes. Along the whole supply chain - from prevention and health promotion to emergency management, intensive care, rehab and follow-up care - the foundation provides continuously improving processes and mensurable results. So, the Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hilfe creates the preconditions for quick and professional help as well as a high-quality care. It perceives itself as an information basis around the clinical picture of strokes and as a moving power in the awareness and prevention training. It is its aim to follow the interests of the affected people and their relatives.
Die Projekte der Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hilfe

Campaign Children's Stroke Help
Concentrated competency against strokes
Annually, about 300 children and youths in Germany suffer from a stroke. At the children's clinic of the university clinic Münster, the largest collection of data to this subject is genereted for years. On the basis of this data, the doctors try to find out more about causes and therapy.

Young people and slight strokes
Experience exchange "Young people and slight strokes"
The Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hilfe annually organises an experience exchange "Young people and slight strokes". This exchange of experiences is a very intense weekend takes on the situations of the affected people and their relatives separately.