Campaign Children's Stroke Help

Anually, 300 to 500 children and youths in Germany suffer from a stroke – a third of them already in the womb or during birth. For parents, this diagnosis is a shock, as the subject of children's strokes still is barely known. Affected families are desperately looking for help. The doctors are often clueless.
The campaign "Children's Stroke Help" wants to improve the life situation of these children and their families. Already since 2000, the Children's Stroke Help of the Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hilfe campaigns for the topic of children's strokes. It supports affected parents and hosts seminars and workshops.
The social vision of the campaign "Children's Stroke Help"
Children's strokes and the resulting long term consequences are diagnosed betimes and causes are researched. Every affected child gets the necessary medical and therapeutic measures quickly and broadly. The consequences of children's stroke will be as little as possible.