Kinderschutzengel e.V.

Children have their guardian angels – but what happens if the invisible guardians fail once, if an accident happens or severe diseases make long hospital stays necessary? Then, there are human children's guardian angels. Kinderschutzengel e.V. made it its task to facilitate the hospital stay for these children and their families by taking away their fear of surgeries, examinations and machines. The children's guardian angels, especially trained for their task, can be psychologists, educators, pastors or family tutors. The aim of the association is to accompany the whole family in the difficult time of the hospital stay and even after.
Die Projekte der Kinderschutzengel e.V.

Children's Guardian Angels: computers at the bedside
Via a mouse clic from the bedside into the classroom
Sandra always was thinner than the others, often paused when speaking and instead of playing in the schoolyard, she preferred reading at the library. She even had the permission to come late instead of hurrying up in the morning. Her sick heart affected her daily rhythm.

Children's Guardian Angels with four paws
Helping gives wings
Since 2013, the children's guardian angels with four paws, Cujo, Merlin, Tiffany and Sheila are in action several times a week at the paediatrics of diverse hospitals in Berlin and Brandenburg. With this help, physical or mental deficits of children can be improved.