Children's Guardian Angels with four paws

Since 2013, the children's guardian angels with four paws, Cujo, Merlin, Tiffany and Sheila are in action several times a week at the paediatrics of diverse hospitals in Berlin and Brandenburg.
The four Australian shepherds belong to the "therapeutic team" of the children's clinics. Tightly focussed, they are appointed with selected children and youths. In small groups or alone, the small patients are brought close to the dogs and it can be seen that the children approach them without any reservation. With the certitude that they will get a small remuneration, the dogs fulfil the wishes of the children with joy.
The children get a better self-confidence and are proud that the dogs obey them and that they even know some feats. Furthermore, mental or physical deficits of the children can be improved. Nervous children get more calm due to the dog visits and children with movement disorders become more dexterous. Possibly, jaunty children learn to take care.
For seriously ill or disabled children, cuddling with the dogs leads to an uplifting touching experience. The interaction with the dogs often has a door opening effect, as it facilitates or enables a therapeutical treatment.
The patients and their relatives do not want to miss the support by the children's guardian angels with four paws during their stay at the hospital.