Protection of the Kamalara girls in Nepal

Girls of the Tharu tribe in the south-west of Nepal are often sold as bondslaves (Kamalari) to rich families. There, they have to work up to 18 hours a day, do not have any chances on school education and often become victims of abuse. Plan frees these girls and supports them with a comprehensive project when returning to their villages.
Since 2006, Plan fights for the abolition of the inhuman Kamalari (bondslaves) practice in the south-west of Nepal. "Kamalari" means "hard working woman". In the district of Dang, already more than 1,758 girls have been freed by Plan. The girls and young women got school education, vocational preparation courses and help when starting their job life. For example, many former Kamalaris got support when founding a small company.
As Dang counts as "free of Kamalari" since the beginning of the year, Plan expanded its project to the neighbour provinces Kailali and Kanchanpur ausgeweitet, where an estimated number of 4,000 girls work as Kamalari and urgently need help.
Parts of the comprehensive projects are the rescue, re-integration and education of the concerned girls. Furthermore, measures for the income improvement in the communes are realised. The children and families get informed about children's rights and media campaigns and the interconnectedness between local and national protagonists contribute to the abolition of the Kamalari practice in public and in the political area.