Fairchance Foundation

Language is the key to an active participation in society and to a self-determined life. For this reason, the Fairchance Foundation campaigns in the area of language boost for children, especially with their language boost programme MITsprache. Its aim is to make chance equality possible for socially deprived children and especially children with a migration background. They shall get the possibility to participate actively in the lessons. MITsprache is a prizewinning "education idea" in the competition "Ideen für die Bildungsrepublik" (Ideas for the Education Republic), boosted by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (German Ministry for Education and Research).
Das Projekt der Fairchance Foundation

MITsprache: programme for extra language training
Chance equality through the acquisition of German language
Language is the key to education and integration. For this reason, the Foundation Fairchance made it its task to support children with a socially deprived background and especially children with migration background with its language training programme "MITsprache".