MITsprache: programme for extra language training

Language is the key to education and integration. For this reason, the foundation Fairchance made it its aim with its language projekt MITsprache, to support children from deprived families and especially children with a migration background. Every child in Germany deserves the chance for education, integration and participation.
Without language knowledge, there is no participation: more and more children from deprived families or with a migration background cannot follow class because of a lack in their knowledge of German language. This has a direct effect on their scholar performance and later their vocational chances. For this reason, it is the most important task to enable the children to participate actively in class for that they do not only learn important skills like writing or calculating, but also to adopt social competences essential for their lives.
The language promotion programme MITsprache stands out due to
- the early beginning of the support in kindergarten and continuing in primary school, what makes a continual support over several years possible;
- the direct cooperation with experienced pedagogical staff at educational institutions, who get accompanying further trainings and who support the children in small groups four times a week;
- the support of the active participation of the parents at home, making them aware of a language beneficial behaviour;
- the offer of special activities supporting the self-confidence and capacity for teamwork;
- a model based on scientific research which is continually adapted to the practical experiences;
- a continual scientific evaluation which makes it possible to comprehend the sucess in language learning impartially.