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Peanut paste saves lives - UNICEF battles against famines

Peanut paste saves lives

UNICEF battles against famines

Small packages of peanut paste can save the lives of children suffering from life-threatening malnutrition. The precious additional food full of important nutritive substances is used with success to treat severe consumption.

The children's home supports deprived and ill children

St. Michael Children's Home in Fuerth

Rainer Winter Foundation - Donations for the children's home
The altruistic goal of Rainer Winter Foundation, Fuerth, Germany, is to provide financial support, with a minimum of bureaucracy, for children, who are in need, sick or disabled in Germany and all over the world for over 30 years. The foundations’ and founders' main focus has been on socially disadvanted children in Central Franconia, especially e.g. St. Michaels' Children's Home in Fuerth.

 Bülent Ceylan für Kinder Stiftung

Bülent Ceylan für Kinder Stiftung

Kinder fördern und glücklich machen

Die Bülent Ceylan für Kinder Stiftung möchte Kinder in Deutschland unterstützen, sie fördern und glücklich machen. Unter anderem wird der Ausbau von Spielplätzen unterstützt, Tablets für das Homeschooling finanziert oder Patenschaften für Kinder aus sozialschwachen Familien ermöglicht.

 Stiftung ANTENNE BAYERN hilft

Stiftung ANTENNE BAYERN hilft

Einzelfallhilfe für in Not geratene Kinder

Die „Stiftung ANTENNE BAYERN hilft“ unterstützt Menschen und vor allem Kinder in Bayern, die aufgrund von Krankheit, Behinderung oder eines schweren Schicksalsschlages unverschuldet in Not geraten sind.

Die José Carreras Leukämie-Stiftung will krebserkrankten Kindern helfen

Leukaemia must become curable

José Carreras: "Leukaemia must become curable. Always and for everyone."

Every year, around 2,000 children and youths in Germany come down with cancer, around 700 of them with leukaemia. About 80 per cent of these children survive today - also because of the German José Carreras Leukaemia Foundation. José Carreras campaigns for his aim: "Leukaemia must become curable. Always and for everyone."

 Uwe Seeler-Stiftung

Uwe Seeler-Stiftung

Hilfe für beeinträchtigte und in Not geratene Menschen

Die Uwe Seeler-Stiftung unterstützt Menschen, die aufgrund ihres körperlichen, geistigen oder seelischen Zustandes auf die Hilfe anderer angewiesen sind oder unverschuldet in Not geraten und auf Soforthilfe angewiesen sind.

 Partner für Sport und Bildung Neuss

Partner für Sport und Bildung Neuss

Unterstützung bei der Vereinbarung von Sport und Beruf

Der Verein Partner für Sport und Bildung (PSB) in Neuss hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, gemeinsam mit den Partnern im Rhein-Kreis Neuss jungen Menschen die Möglichkeit zu bieten, Leistungssport auf höchstem Niveau zu betreiben und sich dennoch auf ihre berufliche Karriere konzentrieren zu können. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht er Spitzensportlern nach ihrer Sport-Karriere den Einstieg in einen Beruf.

Childhood savers - Stop violence against children

Childhood savers

Stop violence against children

In many countries, children suffer from violence because of wars and catastrophes. World Vision helps children in various countries and helps where misery is the biggest. Currently, they help in South Sudan and the countries around Syria. Their aim is to save the childhood of those girls and boys and to make a future with safety and without fears possible.

 UNICEF emergency responseaid for children in Ukraine and neighbouring countries

UNICEF emergency responseaid for children in Ukraine and neighbouring countries

The situation in Ukraine and the region continues to be devastating and the on-going violence has created a child rights crisis.  Children  are in urgent need of support. UNICEF is working in Ukraine and many neighbouring countries to provide families - who have fled the war - with medical care, psychosocial and educational support, and urgently needed relief supplies. UNICEF and its partners have set up contact points for families. In refugee-hosting countries, UNICEF is supporting governments to ensure access to services, protection and social assistance for Ukrainian children, their families and host communities.

 UNICEF “Let Us Learn” Initiative

UNICEF “Let Us Learn” Initiative

Education gives girls and boys around the world hope for a better life. But many children never get the chance to go to school. Many live in poverty and in remote regions where access to an education is difficult. Conflict and discrimination are also factors that inhibit education.  Girls are particularly affected by these challenges. With the international education initiative, "Let Us Learn", UNICEF helps disadvantaged children in five countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Liberia, Madagascar and Nepal. The goal is to give the most marginalized girls and boys access to quality education.

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