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 Rehahund e.V.

Rehahund e.V.

Specifically trained dogs for ill children

The association Rehahund e.V. (Rehab Dogs) was founded in 2006. Rehab dogs for children play a special role, as the well-being of children with disabilities is especially close to the association's responsibles hearts. Children can not only realise their lives in a more independent and self-confident way thanks to the dogs, but the dogs also support their special disease patterns.

 Dunkelziffer e.V.

Dunkelziffer e.V.

Help for sexually abused children

Since its foundation in 1993, Dunkelziffer e.V. helps girls and boys who have been sexually abused. For example, the association gives advice to children and youths, as well as their attachment figures. Furthermore, Dunkelziffer e.V. offers crisis intervention by a professional team. 

Weihnachtsaktion Hunger

Aktion Hunger

Das Überleben hungernder Kinder sichern

UNICEF ruft unter dem Titel „Lass die Zukunft nicht verhungern“ zu Spenden für Kinder und Familien auf, die an Hunger leiden. Weltweit leidet heute jeder neunte Mensch an Hunger und insgesamt 150 Millionen Kinder sind wegen chronischer Mangelernährung unterentwickelt.  

 Förderverein Inklusion e.V.

Förderverein Inklusion e.V.

Campaigning for inclusion in Hesse

The Förderverein Inklusion e.V. (Booster club for inclusion) campaigns particularly for the inclusion of people with disabilities in Hesse, Germany. The association promotes collaborative learning and integration of people with disabilities in all life areas. 

 Münchner Tafel e.V.

Münchner Tafel e.V.

Poverty can hit everyone

Every week, the Münchner Tafel (food bank Munich) provides food for people in poverty in 27 issuing offices and 107 social institutions all over Munich.



Improving life conditions in the oceans

The oceans are the basis of life on our blue planet and our task is to preserve this important habitat. OceanCare cooperates with leading scientists, partner organisations and decision-makers in the whole world

 Viva con Agua

Viva con Agua

Water for all, all for water

Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli e.V. is a charitable association founded in 2006 and campaigning for access to clean potable water for people all over the world. The association boosts projects and campaigns all around water in Germany and everywhere in the world. 

 Bright Side for Kids e.V.

Bright Side for Kids e.V.

Support for children in all life situations

Bright Side for Kids e.V. was founded in 2018 and supports children in all life situations. The association would like to boost and support them and make a good as well as an exciting development possible. 

 Deutsche AIDS-Stiftung

Deutsche AIDS-Stiftung

Help for HIV positive pregnant women in Mozambique

For more than 10 years, the Deutsche AIDS-Stiftung (German AIDS Foundation) supports the DREAM programme in Mosambique. Thanks to DREAM, even in one of the poorest countries in Africa, pregnant women with HIV are able to give birth to healthy children and offer them a real life perspective.

 Kinderkrankenhaus St. Marien

Kinderkrankenhaus St. Marien

Medical care for children and youths

The Kinderkrankenhaus St. Marien Landshut is a paediatric clinic and is responsible for the diagnosis and therapy of all physical and mental diseases as well as dysmaturities, concerning premature babies and children and youths up to the age of 18.

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