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 Booster club for children suffering from cancer Tübingen

Booster club for children suffering from cancer Tübingen

Care for children suffering from cancer and their families

The Förderverein für krebskranke Kinder Tübingen e. V. (Booster club for children suffering from cancer Tübingen) supports children suffering from cancer and their families for more than 35 years.

 Matthias Ginter Foundation

Matthias Ginter Foundation

Support for children and youths in need in the area of Freiburg

The Matthias Ginter Foundation boosts for children and youths in need in the area of Freiburg, Germany. With its foundation, the German national football player wanted to use his degree of popularity and give something back to society.

Support for children and youths with physical, mental or social disabilities

Herman van Veen Foundation

Support for children and youths with physical, mental or social disabilities

The Herman van Veen Foundation Germany is a foundation with the aim to boost projects in the area education. The foundation would like to accompany children and youths in the whole world in their development, so that they can develop their talents in each possible way. 

Anstoß zur Hoffnung e.V. - Care for development cooperation projects in Africa

Anstoß zur Hoffnung e.V.

Care for development cooperation projects in Africa

Since 2002, the organisation Anstoß zur Hoffnung e.V. cares for projects of development cooperation in Africa. Currently, the association works mainly in Kenya and Burundi. It was founded with the aim to help deprived people and their families, and thus whole villages.



The Herzenswunsch-Hospizmobil wants to fulfill people's last wishes. Usually, people can not fulfill these things on their own, as concerned people suffer from limited mobility or financial possibilities.



Schneespaß für körperlich und geistig beeinträchtigte Kinder und Jugendliche

Seit nunmehr 35 Jahren veranstaltet die Stiftung Sicherheit im Skisport zwei Skifreizeiten im Jahr, in denen jeweils 50 körperlich und geistig beeinträchtigte Kinder und Jugendliche 10 Tage Spaß und Action im Schnee erleben können. 

Children shall be motivated for health and movement

Sky Foundation: We make Children fit for Life

We make children fit for life

Not only in developing countries, but also in Germany, many children live in poverty. This poverty is displayed by a lack of material property or a lack of a balanced diet, but also a lack of exercise. Often, children in socially deprived families or children with disabilities are not having any access to sports offers. Therefore, Sky supports projects enabling all children to take part in sports.



Unterstützung für die verunglückte Bahnradfahrerin Kristina Vogel

Jeder Sportfan kann mit großen oder kleinen Spenden in den Fonds einzahlen und Kristina Vogel direkt unterstützen. Die Gelder werden ausschließlich für anstehende Investitionen eingesetzt und um ihre Zukunft abzusichern.

Initiative Oberland

Initiative Oberland

Unterstützung der Exiltibeter

Ziel des Vereins ist die Unterstützung der Exiltibeter im Flüchtlingscamp Mundgod in Südindien. Die Hilfe soll auf direktem Weg, d.h. ohne Verwaltungsbürokratie und Verwaltungskosten ankommen.

Kinderhilfswerk NOAH

Kinderhilfswerk NOAH

Support for children in northern Syria

NOAH is an independent Swiss charity in Pratteln. With great commitment, the child relief organisation boosts projects in northern Syria

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