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 Tierhilfe Marl/Haltern e.V.

Tierhilfe Marl/Haltern e.V.

Ein Zuhause für alte, kranke und verletzte Katzen

Um die 60 Tiere werden auf dem Gnadenhof betreut. Hier finden die Tiere bis zu ihrem Lebensende ein Zuhause. Ohne Käfighaltung leben die Katzen in einem 120 Quadratmeter großen Haus mit angrenzendem 80 Quadratmeter großen Freigehege. Die Betreuung der Tiere und alle anstehenden Arbeiten werden von ehrenamtlichen Helferinnen und Helfern übernommen.

Refugee children in need - aid projects of SOS Children's Villages

Refugee children in need - aid projects of SOS Children's Villages

International Engagement for unaccompanied minors

The emergency relief of the SOS Children's Villages specifically addresses mothers and their children, pregnant women and unaccompanied minors. For this group, escape is much longer, more difficult and more dangerous. Many children suffer from fever, severe colds or diarrhoe.

brotZeit e.V. - Kostenloses Schulfrühstück

brotZeit e.V.

Free school breakfast

brotZeit e.V. is helping children to start the day well by offering a balanced daily breakfast. Additionally, active seniors help the brotZeit children with their homework, they give private lessons and organize diversified afternoon programmes with sports and games.

Löwe für Löwe e.V.

Löwe für Löwe e.V.

Fight poverty with education and health

Since 1998, Löwe für Löwe e.V. boosts for children in Sierra Leone, for example through the construction of two primary schools, a children's house and a health and maternity unit. In order to fund these institutions, donations are needed.

Akteure der Inklusion vernetzen

Netzwerk Inklusion Deutschland e.V.

Link partners of inclusion

Netzwerk Inklusion Deutschland e.V. (Network Inclusion Germany) was founded in 2014 in order to link the players of inclusion better. There is a mail distribution list for each land in Germany, providing news about all subjects concerning inclusion, like for example press, events, sports, living, job, school, kindergarten, leisure activities, holidays and more. 

 NEVER PLAY ALONE – St. Pauli e.V.


No Water – No Sports!

By offering handball workshops in Rwanda, NEVER PLAY ALONE would like to build a sportive bridge between the cultures. The association also funds the building of a drinking fountain, as no athlete can perform when there is a lack of water.

Children for Tomorrow

Children for Tomorrow

Chances on a better future

The daily routine of many children is marked by violence, war, expulsion or loss. This causes big mental wounds that sometimes even result in high aggressiveness. Children for Tomorrow, the foundation of tennis star Stefanie Graf, thus boosts for the mental health of children.

Champions for Charity

Champions for Charity

Gemeinsam für Kinder und Jugendliche

Champions for Charity is a project of the Dirk Nowitzki Foundation and the Keep Fighting Foundation of Michael Schumacher. Dirk Nowitzki and Mick Schumacher are collecting funds for children and youths together.

Betreuung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit lebensverkürzenden Krankheiten

Kinderpalliativteam des Universitätsklinikums Erlangen

Care for children and youths with life-shortening diseases

The children's palliative care team cares actively and comprehensively children, youths and their families, when a disease is limiting life early.

Begleitung für Familien mit unheilbar und lebensverkürzend erkrankten Kindern

Children's hospice St. Nikolaus

Care for families with incurable and terminally ill children

The children's hospice St. Nikolaus accompanies families with incurable and terminally ill children. The staff cares for the children together with the parents and therapies, like physiotherapy or music therapy, are offered. 

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