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The project ensures daily meals for children in Vietnam

A daily meal for children in Vietnam

In Bao Lam in Vietnam, children are left to their own devices

Between Saigon and Dalat in Vietnam is the province Bao Lam, a region marked by the cultivation of coffee and tea. Here, the families from the north live. They fled hunger and are working in Bao Lam as day labourers. Their salary: an US dollar a day.

Straßenkindern wird geholfen, um ihnen bestmögliche Perspektiven zu ermöglichen

Perspectives for homeless children in Germany

Aid organisation for homeless children in Germany

Up to 2,500 children and youths get homeless in Germany every year. They become street children as they fled disregard or violation and try to secure their lifes by begging, prostitution or pilferage. However, they dream of security and do not want to live rough.

In the battle against AIDS, Bill Clinton tries to help with his Clinton HIV/Aids Initiative

CHAI: Clinton HIV/Aids Initiative

Bill Clinton plays a significant role in the battle against AIDS with his foundation

Worldwide, 33.4 million people live with HIV or AIDS. Every day, 7,400 people are newly infected with the HI virus. HIV/Aids is a worldwide pandemia and subverts social and economic aims in developing countries where more than 90 per cent of the population live with HIV or AIDS.

The project gives support to children and their parents in difficult situations

Aufwind – Mannheim

Child poverty in Mannheim – Aufwind helps

Child poverty in Mannheim? Does this exist? Many children in Mannheim suffer from poverty and for those children, it often means to end up in a blind alley. From the beginning, there is a lack of the most important things in their lives and their path of life seems to be predetermined. Aufwind fights against this situation.

 FLY & HELP: Ruanda

FLY & HELP: Ruanda

Education for more than 2,000 pupils at EP Musasa

The Reiner Meutsch Foundation FLY & HELP builds new schools worldwide in order to make a good future possible for children in developing countries.

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