YOU Foundation - Education for children in need

The YOU Foundation – Education für children in need, an initiative of the UNESCO special ambassador Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, campaigns worldwide for the education for the poorest of the poor people. The foundation and its founder follow the values and mission of the UNESCO and its educational agenda 2030. Its focus lies on the "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs) of the United Nations, known as well as the Global Goals. The three subjects of quality education, gender equality and human rights attract special interest, but also the responsible consumption and production is important. The foundation realises the aims with CSR projects.
Das Projekt der YOU Foundation - Education for children in need

YOU Foundation - Education for children in need
Education for the poorest of the poor
The YOU Foundation – Education für children in need, an initiative of the UNESCO special ambassador Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, campaigns worldwide for the education for the poorest of the poor people. The foundation and its founder follow the values and mission of the UNESCO and its educational agenda 2030.