Til Schweiger Foundation

The goal of the Til Schweiger Foundation is to improve the chances of disadvantaged children from all walks of life and to bolster their participation in education and social integration. The original plan for the foundation was to aid traumatised children but during its formation in the summer of 2015 the Til Schweiger Foundation was confronted with a bleak reality, increasing attacks on refugee housing . Since public discussion on this topic was not forth coming and barely anyone stood up against the resentment and racism Til Schweiger decided to put his fame to good use and set an example for tolerance, open mindedness and charity. The Foundations goal was adapted to fit the current situation and the Europe wide refugee crises. It remained a charity for children but the focal point was amended. Through this the Foundation opened itself up to a wider range of support possibilities and issues. The Foundation is known as an active and powerful organization, that uncovers social inequities and raises awareness in the community for the acute help that is needed. The Foundation generates monetary donations and attention from the media. It then sponsors emblematic projects that encourage involvement in their local communities.