
Stars4Kids is an international children's aig organisation based in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It gets involved with numerous nationwide projects for children and youths in inner cities and for children living in the hunger regions of the world. With the help of benefit matches with Germany's top football clubs, training camps, autograph sessions and many other campaigns, several thousand euros circulate every year directly in the construction and preservation of schools, orphanages, factories, alimentation projects and hospitals in Germany, India, Brazil, Ethiopia and Haiti. A thousand children get food, clothes, education and in this way a future and perspective. The management assures itself of each supported project and makes sure that the money goes directly to the people in need.
Die Projekte der Stars4Kids

Bola Pra Frente Rio de Janeiro
One of the biggest sporting children's aid projects in Rio de Janeiro
"BOLA PRA FRENTE" is a social and sporting project in Guadalupe/Rio de Janeiro which helps endangered children and youths to get a self-determined future and a cultivated lifestyle without drug abuse and crime.

Mutmach-Projekt für krebskranke Kinder
Benachteiligte Kinder & Jugendliche stärken
Das aktuelle Herzens-Projekt von Stars4Kids gilt schwerkranken Kindern und Jugendlichen in onkologischen Kliniken und Jugendpsychiatrien. Initiator David Kadel wird gemeinsam mit engagierten Fußballern die Kids und Jugendlichen in ihrer schwierigen Situation besuchen und ermutigen! Mit dem Erlös sollen die Mutmach-Bücher für die Kids und Jugendlichen finanziert werden.