Sky Charity Advent

Inspire children for more exercise and a healthy way of life
Not only in developing countries, but also in Germany, many children live in poverty. This poverty is displayed by a lack of material property or a lack of a balanced diet, but also a lack of exercise. Only 30 per cent of the children do sports for one hour a day and reach the activity level recommended by the World Health Organisation. The part of children and youths suffering from an exercise lack is growing continuously. Especially, motion in daily life gets a raw deal. More and more families cannot afford the fee for a sports association and more and more working parents are not able to play actively with their children or do sports with them. At schools and in kindergarden, only two hours sports lesson are on the timetable every week. So, the children miss elementary parts in the development of their bodies and their personality: learning important motor functions, the formation of cognitive fitness and the discussion of sportive values like fairness, team spirit and integration. Sky has it made into its aim to promote the motion and health of children, as every child deserves the right of exercise. Sky Charity supports projects in kindergardens, schools, clubs or other recreation centres motivating children and youths for sports and exercise. By teaching motor skills sportive values, they want to make the children self-confident and "fit" for a social life.
Das Projekt der Sky Charity Advent

Sky Foundation: We make Children fit for Life
We make children fit for life
Not only in developing countries, but also in Germany, many children live in poverty. This poverty is displayed by a lack of material property or a lack of a balanced diet, but also a lack of exercise. Often, children in socially deprived families or children with disabilities are not having any access to sports offers. Therefore, Sky supports projects enabling all children to take part in sports.