Make A Wish Austria

The Make-A-Wish Foundation fulfils the heartfelt wishes of seriously ill children in the age from 3 to 18. Just like the children themselves, their wishes are very different. Fly a plane, go on holidays with the whole family, meet their favourite star or just get a laptop or a cellphone to stay in contact with their friends during their hospital stays. Whatever the wishes are, they have one thing in common: once fulfilled, children get new courage and can forget their misery and disease for some time.
Das Projekt der Make A Wish Austria

Make A Wish Austria
Fulfilment of the heartfelt wishes of seriously ill children
The Make-A-Wish Foundation fulfils the heartfelt wishes of seriously ill children in the age from 3 to 18. Just like the children themselves, their wishes are very different - but they have one thing in common: once fulfilled, children get new courage.