
The Kindernothilfe was founded in 1959 by Christians in Duisburg with the aim to help Indian children in need. Over the years, it has developed to one of the largest Christian children's aid organisations in Europe. Today, the Kindernothilfe boosts and reaches almost two million girls and boys in 783 projects in 31 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. The boost, primarily realised through godparenthoods, usually is integral: besides scholar and vocational education, the projects are including the components of health and alimentation. With the help of donations, not only the single child is supported, but also the families and the village community.
Die Projekte der Kindernothilfe

AIDS awareness project in South Africa
With education and enlightenment against HIV and AIDS
The HIV/AIDS infection rate in the east of South Africa is almost at 40 per cent and thus the highest in the whole country: AIDS especially affects the working generation. The Kindernothilfe boosts a project offering a new home to more than 2,400 affected grils and boys.

Living in the city is #keinkinderspiel
Support for socially deprived children in cities
The life environment of children in big cities and metropoles rarely offers safe protection, play and development areas. For many children, violence is part of their daily life. The Kindernothilfe works directly in the cities and supports those children with the help of local partner organisations.