Kinderlachen e.V.

Kinderlachen supports, with many voluntary members, children in need all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland with everything they need the most, as for example furniture, school material, medical technology and many other things. Furthermore, Kinderlachen fulfils children's dreams, as for example unforgettable events and leisure activities. Subjects like chance equality, children's upgrowth and social participation are in the focus of the association. Kinderlachen e.V. is funded by private donations and private-sector sponsoring. Under the motto "support with what is needed the most", only donations in kind are given to children, families and institutions.
Das Projekt der Kinderlachen e.V.

Kinderlachen e.V.
Kinderlachen - The aid organisation for children in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Kinderlachen supports, with many voluntary members, children in need all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland with everything they need the most, as for example furniture, school material, medical technology and many other things.