German Red Cross

The German Red Cross is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the largest humanitarian charity worldwide. For more than 150 years, the German Red Cross helps people in conflict situations, catastrophes and sanitary or social emergencies. In the sign of humanity, it boosts for life, health, welfare, protection, peace and the dignity of all people. The German Red Cross nationally boosts i.a. in the areas of rescue service and first aid, help for the elderly, children, youth and family help as well as worldwide in the areas of catastrophe help and sustainable development cooporation. Currently, the German Red Cross works in more than 50 countries in Africa, Asia, the Mideast and Latin America. It especially focusses on drinking water supply, poverty reduction, measures in the war against epidemics and humanitarian help in acute emergencies. The German Red Cross saves people, helps in emergencies, offers a community, cares for the poor and guards the humanitarian international law - in Germany and all over the world.
Das Projekt der German Red Cross

DRK Kinderhilfsfonds Sachsen
"Because children are future"
Following the principle „Helping in the dimension of misery", the Kinderhilfsfonds Sachsen supports children, youths and families in need and not obtaining help by public or other institutions. Especially, quick, uncomplicated financial help for children, youths and families in urgent emergencies is provided.