Games Forest Club

The GamesForest.Club is a non-profit company, based in Berlin (Germany), which supports the Games- and Creative Industries to actively invest in carbon absorption via planting and protecting forests. The goal is to protect and restore nature with the power of gaming and together with the good hearts and minds of our industry.
The organization sees nature restoration as a major cornerstone to fight climate change. The latest numbers from the WWF show that we are losing 30 football fields of forests every minute. With that we are losing our biggest ally in the fight against climate change as forests absorb huge amounts of carbon. If we don’t get that problem under control, even transformations of the biggest carbon releasing industries will run into nowhere.
Climate Change is of course by far the biggest challenge humankind ever faced; this also means that there lies the biggest heroes’ journey of our livetimes directly in front of us. Luckily Gaming Companies know best how to design massive challenges in a way that players accept the challenge and have fun with it.
With the GamesForest.Club the engagement of the whole games industry is being covered. All restoration activities in real life will be shown in the digital twin “gamesforest” to keep track playfully on the support of the games industry against climate change.
Das Projekt der Games Forest Club

Reforestation and protection of forests with the help of the gaming industry
The GamesForest.Club is a non-profit initiative that supports the games and creative industries to invest in carbon sequestration through reforestation and forest protection. The aim is to protect and restore nature with the power of gaming and together with the good hearts and minds of the industry.