Die Passauer Runde

The Passauer Runde is a top-class netwirk of leading personalities from business, science, schools, doctors, politics, arts, culture and media from Passau and the region founded on private base. The aim of the Passauer Runde is to campaign for the social, economic and cultural interests of the city without taking part for political interests. The friends of the Passauer Runde see it as their task not to limit their business ventures to profit, but to give some of it to society, above all to the weak and to those needing help.
Die Projekte der Die Passauer Runde

Die Passauer Runde – Lukas-Kern-Kinderheim
Lukas-Kern-Waisenhaus Passau
Das Charity-Projekt der „Passauer Runde“ unterstützt in diesem Jahr die Aktion Sternstunden des Bayerischen Rundfunks sowie die TRIBUTE TO BAMBI Stiftung. Unter anderem wird dabei der Hausumbau des Lukas-Kern-Waisenhauses in Passau unterstützt.

Die Passauer Runde
Enjoy the difference
The Passauer Runde is a privately founded network with leading personalities from Passau and the region. This year, the Passauer Runde supports a TAFEL project in Passau: alimentation for families with children using the offer of the TAFEL weekly shall be funded.

Die Passauer Runde
Enjoy the difference
The Passauer Runde is a privately founded network with leading personalities from Passau and the region. This year, the Passauer Runde supports a TAFEL project in Passau: alimentation for families with children using the offer of the TAFEL weekly shall be funded.