Children's hospice Balthasar

The children's hospice Balthasar was opened in 1998 by the Trägerschaft der Gemeinnützigen Gesellschaft der Franziskanerinnen zu Olpe mbH (GFO). The GFO is a responsible for social, caritative institutions rich in traditions, arisen from the Franciscans in Olpe. The funding body keeps almost 30 institutions in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rheinland-Palatinate. Besides the children's hospice Balthasar, there are other children's and youths welfare institutions in Olpe: the Josefshaus Olpe, a remedial pedagogic home for children and youths, the mother and child house Aline, the kindergarten Pusteblume, the St.-Franziskus-Gymnasium Olpe and Aufwind Katholischer Jugend- und Familiendienst Attendorn.
Das Projekt der Children's hospice Balthasar

Children's hospice Balthasar
Harbourage on the last way: the children's hospice Balthasar
"Your child is terminally ill, we cannot do anything else!". This sentence makes families to come apart at the seams. Every year, more than 4,000 children in Germany come down with incurable diseases. For the families, nothing is as it was before. The children's hospice Balthasar accompanies those families.