Children's hospice Bärenherz Leipzig e.V.

When parents expect a child, they wish it will be born healthy. But what happens, if this hope is not fulfilled and the child is born seriously ill? Or, when in childhood, an incurable disease is diagnosted? Suddenly, for the families a new life begins and from one moment to the other, dreams of a beautiful future are destroyed. Fear and sorrow often determine the daily life which completely changes. The child will need care, often around-the-clock. The whole family has to bear load exceeding the physic, mental, emotional and financial borders. Sometimes, partnerships and the whole family structures break because of this immense challenge. At the children's hospice Bärenherz, seriously ill children can stay from the time of their illness until their death. The families get professional help and find the time to relax and to regain strength for their arduous daily life. When the last part of life of their child begins, the families can spend it in a peaceful atmosphere and with lots of support. The experienced staff is a help for the ill child, the parents and the brothers and sisters. At the hospice, there is space and room for joy and it lightens the hard hours of farewell and grief.