Child Protection Association Münster

The Child Protection Association Münster (Kinderschutzbund Münster) does lobbying activities for children and speaks up for their rights on an upgrowth without violence but with participation. It supports them in developing their skills and interferes in the national and regional right and in plans or decisions of cities and communities. The Child Protection Association asks for an improvement of the material life conditions of the children and families, a child-friendly and healthy environment and good institutions for children and youths. By offering diverse practical activities, the association creates a liveable future for the children. The organisation wants strong and self-confident children. For this reason, the Child Protection Association supports parents in their education competency and in their daily life, for example with the help of workshops, advice and practical relief. It supports, relieves and boosts children and their families before ending up in problems or a crisis.
Das Projekt der Child Protection Association Münster

Kinderschutzbund Münster
Lobby for children
The Child Protection Association Münster (Kinderschutzbund Münster) does lobbying activities for children and speaks up for their rights of an upgrowth without violence but with participation. The organisation empowers them to develop their skills and supports families with a lot of offers trying to avoid crisis.