Bund Deutscher Radfahrer e.V.

The support of young cycling talents is a main task of the Bund Deutscher Radfahrer e.V. and begins with talent finding. The association works for example togehter with schools in order to make the access to professional sports possible for young cyclists, for example via a motivating competition programme and fun training. Holiday camps and international camps for young cyclists are offered. The targeted development of young cyclists in all olympic disciplines are the main concern of the BDR. For this, a methodically senseful and systematic stress setup and a functional environment are absolutely necessary.
Das Projekt der Bund Deutscher Radfahrer e.V.

Support for young talents at the Bund Deutscher Radfahrer e.V.
Talent finding and promotion for young cyclists
The main concern of the Bund Deutscher Radfahrer e.V. is the targeted development of young cyclists in the diverse olympic disciplines. Furthermore, leisure activities, as for example camps for young cyclists, are organised.