ARCHEMED - Ärzte für Kinder in Not e.V.

ARCHEMED – Ärzte für Kinder in Not is a charitable association founded in the summer of 2010. Its field of activity is in Eritrea. Many employees of the association have a working experience of many years in the poor country at the Red Sea.
The aim of ARCHEMED is the medical and humanitarian help for ill children in Eritrea. Their doctors and nurses are working selflessly. They are helping bedside at the children's clinics, operate at the international surgery center for children at the capital city Asmara, run special ambulances for chronic children's diseases and train local professional staff.
Das Projekt der ARCHEMED - Ärzte für Kinder in Not e.V.

ARCHEMED - Doctors for children in need
Medical and humanitarian help for children in need
Child heart surgery, orthopaedics, oncology, obstetrics or neonatology: ARCHEMED projects cover a large medical spectre in order to provide medical care for as many children and families as possible in the poorest countries.