AKB Foundation Aktion Knochenmarkspende Bayern

The Stiftung Aktion Knochenmarkspende Bayern (AKB) is the third stem cell donor file in Germany with about 270,000 possible donors. Every year, it finds more than 350 lifesavers for leukaemia patients in the whole world. The AKB works with almost all university clinics in Bavaria, gives support for the organisation of typing events and regionally cares for helpers and patients.
Die Projekte der AKB Foundation Aktion Knochenmarkspende Bayern

Looking for a life-saver for Lukas
Lukas is searching a stem cell donator
Lukas is 12 years old. He is suffering from a rare blood disease, his body does not build red blood cells and cannot catabolise iron. If he does not find a fitting donator soon, he will die. But the AKB wants to avoid this and is looking for his life saver!