

Kinderklinikkonzerte e.V.

Der besondere Moment Ablenkung im Klinikalltag

In den letzten Jahren konnte der Kinderklinikkonzerte e.V. tausenden Kindern, ihren Eltern sowie Geschwisterkindern, die bei der Erkrankung eines Kindes in der Familie häufig zu kurz kommen, ganz besondere Konzerte im Krankenhausalltag schenken. 

 Kinderkrankenhaus St. Marien

Kinderkrankenhaus St. Marien

Medical care for children and youths

The Kinderkrankenhaus St. Marien Landshut is a paediatric clinic and is responsible for the diagnosis and therapy of all physical and mental diseases as well as dysmaturities, concerning premature babies and children and youths up to the age of 18.

Kinderkrebsklinik Freiburg

Kinderkrebsklinik Freiburg

Motto of the booster club for children suffering from cancer in Freiburg: Helping helps

The diagnosis of cancer pulls the rug out from under many families. Concerned people experience contrast baths between agony and hope. For more than three decades, the friends of the children's cancer clinic in Freiburg apply for the needs of children suffering from cancer.

Kinderlachen unterstützt schwerstkranke Kinder mit Sachspenden

Kinderlachen e.V.

Kinderlachen - The aid organisation for children in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Kinderlachen supports, with many voluntary members, children in need all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland with everything they need the most, as for example furniture, school material, medical technology and many other things.

Reha-Klinik für krebs- und herzkranke Kinder und ihre Familien

KindernachsorgeKlinik Berlin-Brandenburg

Rehab hospital for children suffering from cancer and cardiac problems

The charitable rehab clinic works in the concept of a family-focussed rehabilitation: the children suffering from cancer or cardiac problems spend their four week rehabilitation with their parents, brothers and sisters. They get individual medical and psychological assistance.

Betreuung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit lebensverkürzenden Krankheiten

Kinderpalliativteam des Universitätsklinikums Erlangen

Care for children and youths with life-shortening diseases

The children's palliative care team cares actively and comprehensively children, youths and their families, when a disease is limiting life early.

Kinderschutzbund Münster - Die Lobby für Kinder

Kinderschutzbund Münster

Lobby for children

The Child Protection Association Münster (Kinderschutzbund Münster) does lobbying activities for children and speaks up for their rights of an upgrowth without violence but with participation. The organisation empowers them to develop their skills and supports families with a lot of offers trying to avoid crisis.


Kinderseelenschützer e.V.

Gemeinsam gegen Kindesmisshandlung

Kinderseelenschützer e.V. setzt sich gegen Kindesmisshandlung, Kindesmissbrauch, Mobbing und Behördenversagen ein. Der Verein möchte Betroffenen eine ernst gemeinte Plattform und Stimme geben.

Kindness for Kids möchte das Leid der Kinder mit einer seltenen Erkrankung lindern

Kindness for Kids

Commitment for the "orphans" of medicine

Rare diseases are often called the orphans of medicine. According to the World Health Organization, disease is rare if less than 5 among 10,000 people are suffering from it. In Germany, there are more than 7,000 known rare diseases.

 KJA Cologne

KJA Cologne

Help for children and youths

That children come to school without breakfast or cannot afford lunch or that young people are traumatized due to the escape from their home or that they are missing perspectives are only some examples for the urgent need for action the KJA is adopting.

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