ZWERG NASE house in Wiesbaden

Holidays for the children and the occasion to relax and get new power for their relatives: families caring for their seriously ill children find relief, help and time for themselves by making use of the short term care offer of the ZWERG NASE house in Wiesbaden.
Since December 2005, three different areas that are working together (short term care, Rotkehlchen and a social paediatric centre) offer a wide programme for families with children with disabilities and/or chronic diseases. The ZWERG NASE house is unique with this offer in Germany and closes the gap in the necessary total care for children with disabilities and chronic diseases.
The house was built in the direct neighbourhood of the children's clinic of the Dr. Horst Schmidt clinic. Its particularity: a homelike atmosphere that does not miss the medical coverage. So, parents have the assurance that in case of emergency, everything can be done for their children. They can enjoy their freedom having a good conscience.
Besides the short term care, the institution cares for children needing continuous ventilation in the "Rotkehlchen" area. At this ward, twelve children in the need of a continuous artificial respiration live in an environment appropriate for children instead of an intensive care unit. Here, they can play and hear music, do handicrafts, watch TV, attend kindergarten and get lessons.
The social paediatric centre is an ambulant institution of the children's clinic. Here, a team of children's neurologists, psychologists, therapists and pedagogues care interdisciplinarily for children and youths being hindered in their development or threatened by disability. In turn, the children's parents find long needed help in the offer of the short term care.