SOS Children's Village Caldonazzo

In the SOS Children's Villages, lost children and orphans find a caring home. There, they are growing up in a SOS family, cosseted by their Children's Village mother and together with brothers and sisters. In the surroundings of the SOS Children's Villages, the staff gives neighbourly help for families in need, by offering self-help projects, education and hospital wards. By doing so, the SOS Children's Villages contribute to the sustainable development of communities in poor countries. Furthermore, they are a starting point for emergency actions in order to stand by children and their relatives in catastrophe areas. As a family pedagogical pioneer, the SOS Children's Villages are boosting for the rights of girls and boys since 1949. Today, the SOS Children's Villages are working in 134 countries and care for around two million people: children, youths and families.
The proceeds will be forwarded to the SOS Children's Village Caldonazzo which stands for a piece of unburdened childhood. In Caldonazzo, the children coming from SOS Children's Villages all over Europe, are staying for three or four weeks in simple tents and bungalows. While the SOS Children's Villages mothers enjoy their well-deserved holidays, the indefatigable Caldo team cares for the lively guests: 13 bath attendants watch out at the beaches that nobody is swimming too far. Three times a day, 50 small orange containers with food are arriving from the canteen kitchen, as 170 meters of apple strudel have to be distributed! This may sound like a mass event, but it is not: there are numerous play and craft areas where children have fun in small groups. They play theatre and beach volleyball, they draw and potter about, drum and sing. Other groups make a trip to a mountain shelter. There is nothing that does not exist in Caldonazzo: mountains and water, sports and play, parties in front of the tents or adventures at the bonfire.