Mut-Perlen project

This project is executed and funded by the non profit organisation Paulis Momente e.V. at the child cancer ward of the universitary hospital Leipzig. It is an individual motivation concept for children and youths suffering from cancer. The children obtain a long band with a pearl of the association and the anchor pearl as a sign for the hope to end the therapy successfully. With each measure getting necessary for the therapy, another pearl will join the Mut-Perlen band (courage pearls band). There are pearls for pricks, chemotherapeutics, punctures, blood transfusions, but also for other events, like for example particularly good or bad days. With the help of the pearls, it gets visible in which phase of the therapy the children are and the band can be seen as a sort of diary telling the story of this hard time. The children can tell others about their hard time during their absence, but it also helps nurses and doctors when working with the children, for example to prevent them from cancelling the therapy and make thus possible a successful development.