Malteser School Centre in Tarnabod

With your donation, you support the development of a Malteser school centre for Sinti and Romanies children in Tarnabod, Hungary. With the help of the school centre and an intense care, the children get the possibility to a good scholar education and at the same time, integration and inclusion of Romanies and Sinti in Hungary are boosted. In the institution, there is place for lessons for about 150 children of various ages. Due to the intensive care, a reducement of dropout quota to almost zero has been reached and almost all children stay at school until their school leaving examination. A special focus lies on extra lessons and the communication of social behaviour. Construction thereon, a new school centre shall be built now in order to make it possible for the children to learn in an appropriate environment. The aim of the school centre is to improve the chances of the socially deprived children and that they can find an appropriate work or even a college place. The project is realised in cooperation with the Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V.