
In the heart of Hamburg, on the ground of the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, a new children's clinic was built in 2017: Kinder-UKE! It shall not only convince because of its top level medical offer, but also become a place of security and convalescence. The clinic links the most recent technology with lovingly designed rooms that are consequently in line with the needs of small patients. The wards network perfectly, ways are short and therapy offers complement one another. Doctors of different branches and disciplines work hand in hand. The universitary paediatrics of the UKE is known for top class medicine and research in the whole world. It is the only centre around Hamburg which is capable to care completely for children wie leukaemia and other carcinosis. Furthermore, bone marrow transplantations can be executed in the clinic. Concerning the diagnosis and care in the area of rare diseases, the children's clinic occupies a leading postion internationally. Children with such diseases come from whole Europe or even overseas. In split liver transplantations, especially for newborn, the children's clinic of the UKE has an outstanding international reputation. But ill children do not only need top level medicine, but also a warm-hearted and family-friendly environment supporting the cure. Hereby, lovingly designed rooms and age-based play rooms play an important role. Plus, parents, friends and brothers and sisters shall feel welcome: accomodation for parents in each patient room, a sharing kitchen, a comfortable cafeteria and retreat spaces let children and youths sometimes forget that they are at the hospital.