Kids to life

The work of the foundation kids to life targets socially deprived, traumatized and disabled children. On a terrain of 16,000 sqm near Munich, kids to life offers diverse possibilities for educational work with children. There are many animals, a children's workshop, sports grounds, a crag, two houses for overnight stays and many other offers. Annually, more than 3,000 children from over 20 children's homes and institutions come to visit the terrain. For example, the guests come from the children's homes in Munich, the TU Munich with the clinic and many other institutions of the children and youth welfare.
Many children's home spend their holidays at kids to life, several special schools do parts of their classes at the terrain and the TU München with the clinic benefits from the animals in order to lead seriously traumatized children back to life. Those are only a few examples showing how diversely the offer of the foundation is used. In the world of kids to life, children can develop freely and get power for their future. The offer of the foundation encourages and contrasts negative events with positive experiences.