Dogs as medicine: Beschützerinstinkte e.V.

Dogs never stop loving. Dogs always have time. They give the feeling to be needed. Dogs comfort and understand. They break up with the vicious circle of loneliness and sadness. For a dog, it is not important if someone is poor or rich, sick or disabled. These positive characteristics and their absolute love make dogs the best therapists.
Beschützerinstinkte e.V. made it into its task to support and promote the relationship between dogs and people. The non profit organisation helps disabled children, dog owners and dogs that need help. A focus of the organisation's work is on the animal based therapy with dogs, as the positive effect of this form of therapy for children with mental or physical disabilities has been proven in numerous studies. .
The participation in an animal based therapy with dogs or holidays for the whole family at a therapy yard are a balsam for heart and soul. Beschützerinstinkte e.V. collects donations and searches for godparents for deprived children in order to make possible animal based therapies or therapy holidays for them. Especially for families, time together at a therapy yard can be recreative and healthful. Mothers of children with disabilities get rest and find open ears, while brothers and sisters get the full attention, can play with the yard animals or drive tractors.
Furthermore, the association helps deprived dog owners by paying veterinary bills or food, searching dog friendly accomodation or taking care of dogs in need.