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Radio 7 Drachenkinder -

Radio 7 Drachenkinder

Help for children from Radio 7 Land

Radio 7 Drachenkinder is the charity action of the radio channel Radio 7 in Ulm. The organisation collects donations for ill, disabled or traumated children and youths in the transmission area and has supported more than 1,300 projects since 2005.

Nachwuchsförderung des Bundes Deutscher Radfahrer e.V.

Support for young talents at the Bund Deutscher Radfahrer e.V.

Talent finding and promotion for young cyclists

The main concern of the Bund Deutscher Radfahrer e.V. is the targeted development of young cyclists in the diverse olympic disciplines. Furthermore, leisure activities, as for example camps for young cyclists, are organised.


Kinderherzen – Support for German Cardiac Centres for Children

Help for cardiac children since 1989

In 1989, kinderherzen was founded by doctors and the parents of cardiac children. The main aim of the association, which is to 100% funded by donations, is to improve the treatment options for cardiac children worldwide decisively.



Association promoting pop culture in Münster

The aim of VISION is the creation and promotion of suitable basic conditions for developing the pop culture in Münster.

VfBfairplay "Vesperkirche" - Help for people who are ill, jobless or overindebted

VfBfairplay "Vesperkirche"

Help for people who are ill, jobless or overindebted

During some weeks, the "Vesperkirche" opens its doors for people being ill, jobless or overindebted and the VfB Stuttgart football club supports the project. The coaches, players and employees of the club will help on the action day 2018 in the Leonhardskirche. With the proceeds of the charity auction, the church will be supported.

MJC Jugendzentrum Mergener Hof e.V. - Einrichtung für Kinder und Jugendliche in Trier

MJC Jugendzentrum Mergener Hof e.V.

Institution for children and youths in Trier

The youth centre Mergener Hof in Trier, also known as "Miez", is a very special place for children and youths in the heart of Trier. Daily, around 70 young people from the whole city come here together.

Childhood in war: the right of protection

Childhood in war: the right of protection

Childhood in war: the right of protection

With protection and play zones, the organisation creates a place of security for children in crisis situations. Playing is important in order to develop cognitive and social skills and in order to find tranquility in such wearing situations.

Hand in Hand für Kinder der Region e.V.

Hand in Hand für Kinder der Region e.V.

Help for the smallest and weakest people in society

Hand in Hand für Kinder der Region is an association that made it to its business to make the smallest ones smile, even if their life is, due to illness or strokes of fate, not easy.

Cambodia Family Support - Courage and power for self-help

Cambodia Family Support

Power and courage for self-help

In the rural regions of Cambodia, families have to fight against a lack of food and infrastructure often is lacking as well. The organisation "Cambodia Family Support" helps many people with the improvement of their income possibilities.

Marco Sturm Stiftung

Marco Sturm Foundation

Unbureaucratic help for children in need

The Marco Sturm Foundation has as its aims to help children, to minimize pain and to offer hope. The foundation wants to help unbureaucratically, fast and without detours where help is needed.