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Herzenswünsche fulfills dreams and wishes for seriously ill children

Herzenswünsche e.V.

Herzenswünsche fulfils dreams and wishes for seriously ill children

In 1989, Wera Röttgering's best friend came down with cancer. In order to encourage her and give her hope for the battle against the disease, the entrepreneur proposed to start an initiative helping people in similar situations.

The project supports parents suffering from cancer and their families

Kinder unterm Regenbogen

Non profit organisation by Radio Regenbogen

The aims of Kinter unterm Regenbogen are the promotion of general aid projects, direct emergency aid in case of catastrophes, the financial support of institutions and monetary help for children and their families affected by strokes of fate and living in the transmission area.

Work for peace and understanding worldwide

YOU Foundation - Education for children in need

Education for the poorest of the poor

The YOU Foundation – Education für children in need, an initiative of the UNESCO special ambassador Dr. h.c. Ute-Henriette Ohoven, campaigns worldwide for the education for the poorest of the poor people. The foundation and its founder follow the values and mission of the UNESCO and its educational agenda 2030.

An aim of the Manuel Neuer Kids Foundation consists in boosting scholar projects

Comprehensive School Berger Feld

The first project of the Manuel Neuer Kids Foundation

Manuel Neuer's home town Gelsenkirchen occupies a top spot in an inglorious statistic: almost every fourth child suffers from poverty. "With my foundation, I want to fulfil social responsibility in my city". This is how the football star explains the foundation of his Manuel Neuer Kids Foundation.

Via a mouse clic, Sandra can take part in her lessons while being at the hospital

Children's Guardian Angels: computers at the bedside

Via a mouse clic from the bedside into the classroom

Sandra always was thinner than the others, often paused when speaking and instead of playing in the schoolyard, she preferred reading at the library. She even had the permission to come late instead of hurrying up in the morning. Her sick heart affected her daily rhythm.

Broad sports offer for children from socially deprived families

Clean Winners e.V.

Ein Sportangebot für sozial benachteiligte Kinder

Mit ihrem Sportangebot möchten die Clean Winners Kindern aus sozial benachteiligten oder gefährdeten Familien aus der Abseitsfalle helfen. Denn über den Sport können Kinder Gemeinschaft erleben und Werte wie Teamgeist, Toleranz, Fairness oder Leistungsbereitschaft erfahren.

The language programme MITsprache speaks up for socially deprived children

MITsprache: programme for extra language training

Chance equality through the acquisition of German language

Language is the key to education and integration. For this reason, the Foundation Fairchance made it its task to support children with a socially deprived background and especially children with migration background with its language training programme "MITsprache".

Bryan Adams Foundation

Bryan Adams Foundation

Help for children with cleft lips and palates

Shortly after the devastating tsunami catastrophe in Southern Asia, Bryan Adams founded his foundation. "I founded it in 2006 in the hope that my name would help to improve people's lives" explains the rock star. The foundation is aimed to change the lives of thousands of people.

Medical and humanitarian help for children in need

ARCHEMED - Doctors for children in need

Medical and humanitarian help for children in need

Child heart surgery, orthopaedics, oncology, obstetrics or neonatology: ARCHEMED projects cover a large medical spectre in order to provide medical care for as many children and families as possible in the poorest countries. 

The Tafel Hamburg made it its aim to care for the poorest

Tafel Hamburg

Food for hungry stomachs, not for the trash

About 20 million tons of food are annually thrown into the trash in Germany. The so-called "Tafeln" made it into their task to serve the poorest inhabitants with what society overproduces - for example in Hamburg.