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Helpline donum vitae Minden - Good start into life

Helpline donum vitae Minden

Good start into life

The helpline donum vitae Minden supports women and families in difficult life situations during and after giving birth. With their programme "Good start into life", they help especially socially deprived families.

Verein zur Förderung von Landesjugendensembles NRW e.V. - young wind section philharmony NRW

Verein zur Förderung von Landesjugendensembles NRW e.V.

Young Wind Section Philharmony NRW

The association founded in 2011 supports the musical development of children and youths. In each of the four ensembles, the young musicians find a professional environment.

Children's hospice Sterntaler e.V.

Children's hospice Sterntaler e.V.

Support for children with life limiting diseases and their parents

The children's hospice Sterntaler e. V. in Mannheim supports children suffering from life limiting diseases and their families and accompanies them on their difficult way.

University Clinic Tübingen - help for the tumour patient Milena

University Clinic Tübingen

Help for the tumour patient Milena

Milena, who is suffering from a serious brain tumour, urgently needs a surgery at the university clinic in Tübingen. There, cancer specialists work hand in hand with ten tumour specific centres. 

Children's Help Centre Düsseldorf - A Home for Children and Youths

Children's Help Centre Düsseldorf

A home for children and youths

The children's help centre in Düsseldorf-Pempelfort is an institution of the municipal youth welfare service providing a home for more than 100 children and youths. The aim is to support families.

Child protection with sports in Tanzania

Child protection with sports in Tanzania

Encourage children with sports

With this project, Plan International wants to encourage girls and boys with sporting projects in order to develop their skills equally. 

Kinder-UKE - Universitäre Kinderklinik speziell auf die Bedürfnisse der kleinen Patienten ausgerichtet


University children's hospital in line with the needs of small patients

The new university children's hospital in Hamburg-Eppendorf is specifically in line with the needs of small patients. It shall not only convince because of its top level medical offer, but also become a place of security and convalescence for the seriously ill children and youths who often spend weeks or even the bigger part of the year at the hospital.

Kilometer gegen Krebs - Mit Sport für krebskranke Kinder

Kilometres against Cancer

With sports for children suffering from cancer

Cyclists and runners of the benefit action "Kilometres against cancer" do not only collect kilometres, but also donates for the "Tour of Hope" for children suffering from cancer. The group covered a distance of 1,000 kilometres from Munich to Berlin. 

Children's Hospice Netz - Care for children, youths and young adults with life-shortening diseases

Children's Hospice Netz

Care for children, youths and young adults with a short life-expectancy

The children's hospice Netz in Austria cares for children, youths and young adults with a short life-expectancy, whether at home or at the day hospice for children.

Living in the city is not easy - support for deprived children in cities

Living in the city is #keinkinderspiel

Support for socially deprived children in cities

The life environment of children in big cities and metropoles rarely offers safe protection, play and development areas. For many children, violence is part of their daily life. The Kindernothilfe works directly in the cities and supports those children with the help of local partner organisations.