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Kids to life - Mehr Zukunft für Kinder

Kids to life

More future for children

The Anton Schrobenhauser Foundation kids to life speaks up for deprived children and youths nationally and internationally since its foundation in 2003. 

Bundesverband Kinderhospiz e.V. - creation of a public for the taboo topic "children and death"

Bundesverband Kinderhospiz e.V.

Creating publicity for the taboo subject "children and death"

The Bundesverband Kinderhospiz represents numerous children's hospice institutions all over Germany and speaks up in society in order to inform the public about the taboo subject "children and death". Furthermore. it helps to get those children and families out of the social aside.

The aim of the foundation is to fight against NCL and to make healing possible

Save the brain

For a future without children's dementia

With the help of the project "Save-the-Brain", the broad public shall be informed about children's dementia and at the same time, donations for the development of a drug shall be collected.

Empowerment von Jugendlichen

AKOMA Education & Culture

Empowerment of youths

AKOMA Education & Culture was founded in 2014 and develops and realises cultural and political education projects for children and youths.

People help people

Taubenväter - Menschen helfen Menschen Gevelsberg e.V.

People help the people

The generation and confession comprehensive association Taubenväter supports all kindergartens in Gevelsberg, as well as regional charitable organisations, special schools, foundations, hospices and animal shelters.

Vienna's mobile children's hospice MOMO

Vienna's mobile children's hospice MOMO

Care for children on their last path of life

Vienna's mobile children's hospice MOMO accompanies children on their last path of life and makes it possible to spend as much time as possible there, where the most valuable time lives: at home.

The charity of Radio Hamburg

Hörer helfen Kindern e.V.

The donation action of Radio Hamburg

With the support of numerous donators, Radio Hamburg makes sure that Hamburg's future does not end up in the street. In the framework of their social action, Hörer helfen Kindern collects donations for children in need in Hamburg.

Herzkranke Kinder e.V. - Help for cardiac children and their families

Herzkranke Kinder e.V.

Help for cardiac children and their families

Herzkranke Kinder e.V. was founded on June 26th in 1991 by parents of cardiac children with the support of the paediatric cardiology of the university clinic in Münster.

Spielertrikot für Kinderlachen e.V. - Help for socially deprived children

Spielertrikot für Kinderlachen e.V.

Help for socially deprived children

Spielertrikot für Kinderlachen e.V. speaks up for socially deprived children. With each auction of a valuable player jersey, a sad children's fate can be reduced.

Leipziger Kinderstiftung

Leipziger Kinderstiftung

Chilren are our future

The Leipziger Kinderstiftung wants to alleviate poverty and create better lives for children, especially in the region of Leipzig.